
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Sci-Fi Feature: Susie Drake and the Stolen Memories by Jay Hall #blogtour #Bookreview #scifi #fantasy #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours


Date Published: 01-06-2024

Publisher: 44th Morning LLC


Haunted by insurmountable grief, the nearly indestructible Susie Drake temporarily sacrifices all memories of her human friends. Unbeknownst to her, Ren Pith, a semi-immortal plagued by seizures and OCD, snatches her remembrances in pursuit of a time traveler, with the hope of rewriting the past.

Meanwhile, recruited by the grandchildren of her forgotten friends, Susie confronts a murder investigation intertwined with her purloined past and teams up with a private eye to unravel a perplexing link between her stolen recollections and a man who taunted her nearly a century prior. Racing against the possibility of total memory loss, Susie and the detective navigate time and space to follow a lead and venture into the future of an alternate Earth.

Susie’s quest intertwines self-discovery, justice, and a high-stakes race into a tangled web bridging past, present, and parallel worlds.


Jay Hall evokes rich imagery and characters in a sprawling world.

This exciting story will influence a new generation of readers to explore worlds within and without.

I found this entertaining and fun. Great characters and an intricately woven storyline.

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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Christian Nonfiction Feature: Masterpiece by Jay Morris, JD, Phd #nonfiction #christian #spirituality #giveaway #rabtbooktours @jaybmo @RABTBookTours


Christianity, Spirituality, Inspirational

Date Published: September 15, 2023

Publisher: Credo House Publishers



We all must ask crucial questions about our life here on earth. Am I experiencing life the way God, the Master Creator, designed my life to be lived? Or am I living a lesser, devolving life of my own choosing?

We, God’s ultimate creations, can only understand our purpose in life if we learn to see ourselves through the eyes of our Creator. This book provides practical steps on walking with the Holy Spirit. It will transform your soul if you follow the instructions.


Praise for Masterpiece

"This book will transform your life into the original masterpiece you were created to be. It teaches you how to unleash the power of the Holy Spirit so you can develop unshakeable faith and spiritual discernment when you commit to doing the work that your spirit requires. Dr. Morris takes you deep into self-reflection as you imagine the possibilities for your life when you completely surrender to the Holy Spirit."

Karen Hinds, CEO of Workplace Success Group


"If you are interested in next-level living, then you must take this reading journey into the Holy Spirit. This book helps us understand how the Holy Spirit shows up and works within our lives. Dr. Morris provides the reader with keen clarity on how to reap the fruit of the Spirit in an exceptional and timely way. This book is a spiritual gift to the soul."

Jen Olson, Co-Founder/Principal KGO


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Christian Nonfiction: Beyond Good by Andreas Baku #relationships #nonfiction #christian #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours


The Exceptional Husband's Guide to Married Life


Relationships, Christian Living



Transform your marriage from ordinary to exceptional with this insightful guide for husbands.

Beyond Good: The Husband's Exceptional Guide to Married Life provides a comprehensive approach to addressing all the important aspects of being a kind, faithful, and respectful husband. Not only does it offer insights and strategies, but it also encourages personal reflection and proactive behavior to create a loving, long-lasting marriage relationship.

Start your transformative journey toward renewed commitment and love in your relationship by reading Beyond Good: The Exceptional Husband's Guide to Married Life.

Drawing on 20 years of personal experience and deep insights into marriage dynamics, Beyond Good serves as a candid guide for the husband seeking to rekindle joy, respect, and intimacy in his relationship.

The journey to an exceptional marriage begins here.

Why Beyond Good is a great resource for men:

•         Provides a comprehensive approach to being a kind, faithful, and respectful husband

•         Provides insights and strategies for creating a loving, long-lasting marriage relationship

•         Encourages personal reflection and proactive behavior

•         Offers candid advice and real-life examples

•         Focuses on rekindling joy, respect, and intimacy in marriage

•         Suitable for husbands at any stage of their marriage journey

•         Offers a holistic approach beyond typical relationship guides

•         And much more

Join countless men who have taken the brave step of self-improvement.  Get your copy today and immerse yourself in these love lessons and become the husband your wife deserves.


About the Author

Andreas Baku is a married, health-conscious author and advocate for healthy living. With a passion he shares with his wife for cooking, outdoor activities, and sports, Andreas is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and experience to help others make better choices for their health and in their marriage. Now in his early 50s, Andreas has reinvented himself and embraced his lifelong dream of writing. His books, Fast Food Made Healthy, Comida Rapida hecha saludable and now Beyond Good, are comprehensive guides that empower readers to enjoy their favorite fast food while making smarter choices as well as being the best husband they could possibly imagen. With practical tips, valuable advice, and effective strategies, Andreas helps readers tobe an amazing husband or to navigate fast food menus with confidence, revealing hidden health hazards and providing healthier alternatives. Through his books Andreas is on a mission to transform readers' fast food experiences into nourishing ones or be the beyond good husband they ought to be.


Connect with Andreas on:

Instagram baku.andreas

Facebook andreas.baku.9

YouTube at andreasbaku891


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Monday, June 24, 2024

Dark Romance Feature: Obsession by Harley Wylde #excerpt #comingsoon #darkromance #romance #rabtbooktours @ChangelingPress @RABTBookTours



(Raven’s Vale Psychos)

Contemporary Dark Romance

Date Published: June 28, 2024



I’m a monster.

The Boogeyman.

The thing you fear in the dark.

I’ve killed countless men and women, and I have no plans to stop.

They locked me up. Called me insane.

Until I escaped.


Raven’s Vale is mine. Well, partially mine.

Crash and Kane help me rule over this small town.

I’ve never wanted anything other than watching the life fade from someone’s eyes after I’ve taken my knives to them.

Until Hollis.


She makes me question whether there’s still a heart beating in my chest.

For some reason, I want her… and I don’t want to kill her.

I want her under me. Submitting to my every whim.

But I crave her fear too.

She’s my obsession…

And I’ll stop at nothing to make her mine.



WARNING: If you have triggers, please proceed with caution. This is not a sweet romance. The Raven's Vale Psychos series contains very dark content, including a true anti-hero. For everyone who enjoys twisted tales, morally gray to totally depravedcharacters, and lots of adult action in your books -- this one is for you!


There's no cheating. No cliffhanger. And a rather twisted version of happily-ever-after.



Smoke filled the room as both Crash and Kane smoked like fucking chimneys. The shit bothered me, and they both damn well knew it. Not that either of them gave two fucks. They’d settled in for a game of cards, but the darkness outside called to me. My skin itched and my fingers twitched. How long had it been since I’d last killed?

Too long.

“What the fuck crawled up your ass?” Crash asked. “Isn’t it almost your night? You should be pretty damn stoked.”

“Not soon enough,” I muttered. “Besides, being offered a lamb to slaughter isn’t as much fun as hunting one.”

Kane nodded. “I get it. They reek of fear either way, but it’s always sweeter when they aren’t expecting it.”

“There’s something seriously wrong with you two,” Crash said. “I don’t understand your fascination with getting all bloody. My way is much better. Nice and neat.”

Kane snorted. “They still end up dead, don’t they? Don’t pretend you’re any better than us.”

Crash shrugged. It was an old argument. The three of us had stumbled across this town when Crash and I had barely been considered adults. Kane was a bit older than the two of us. Freshly escaped from an institute for the criminally insane, we’d needed a place to hide. Raven’s Vale boasted a population of no more than five thousand. Cut off from the larger towns and cities, it had been the best place for us to lie low.

If it hadn’t been for the fire we’d set, or the fact we’d managed to keep them guessing over how many bodies had burned to death, the law would most likely have been searching for us all these years. Instead, they believed we were dead. Anywhere else, we’d need things like driver’s licenses, birth certificates, or something to prove who we were. Not in Raven’s Vale.

Then our cravings had kicked in. We hadn’t been able to help ourselves. Not long after we started slaughtering anyone who crossed our path, we found ourselves face-to-face with the mayor and sheriff. It had been easy enough to convince them to bow to us. After the mayor received a few pieces of his daughter, and the sheriff realized we had his two girls as well, the tides had quickly turned in our favor. We’d released them back to their families once we knew the mayor and sheriff would toe the line. They both knew we could snatch them again at a moment’s notice.

Now we ruled Raven’s Vale. No matter how many we killed, no one was coming for us. None of them dared. And as far as the outside world went, none of them knew we existed. We didn’t leave a paper trail.

“Get the hell out of here,” Kane said. “You know you can’t wait.”

I flashed him a smile and flipped off Crash before I grabbed my knives and headed out. Eyeing my motorcycle, I bypassed it and decided I’d track down prey on foot tonight. The bike was fun to ride but noisy as fuck. Everyone would know I was coming long before I got there.

Although, sometimes it was fun to chase the rats when they started to scurry. Tonight wasn’t one of those nights, though. Right now, I wanted to instill fear before they even realized who was stalking them in the shadows.

Most people feared the night and stayed indoors as much as possible. No one knew when one of us might strike.

Movement caught my eye, and I crept closer, clinging to the shadows. A young woman hurried down the sidewalk, her head bowed and shoulders hunched. If she was trying to make herself invisible, she’d failed miserably. I kept pace with her but remained out of sight. Something about her seemed different from the others in this place.

There was no way she didn’t sense my presence. At some point, even the most dense individuals would realize a monster was stalking them. If she did, the woman never let on. She continued to wherever she was going.

For once, I didn’t experience the urge to snuff out her life. Instead, I wondered what made her entirely oblivious. Was it a self-defense mechanism? She disappeared into an apartment building, and I figured that meant she was home for the night.

Going back the way I’d come, I walked the streets, hoping to find interesting prey. Two punks were doing their best to break into a car. The fact they didn’t have permission to do this sort of shit in my town pissed me off. Rushing toward them, I ended one of their lives quickly with a slice across his neck. The other dropped his tools and backed up several steps.

“Holy shit!” He stared at his friend with wide eyes. “What the fuck?”

“That’s what I’d like to ask.” I prowled closer. “Who gave you permission to break into cars in this town?”

“Huh? What are you…” He paled. “Shit. Fuck! You’re one of them, aren’t you? One of the Raven’s Vale Psychos.”

I grinned. “Is that what everyone calls us?”

He tried backing up again and tripped over his own feet. The moment he landed on his ass, he pissed himself. Crouching in front of him, I held the knife where he could see his friend’s blood coating my blade.

“Don’t kill me,” he pleaded. “This was all Rob’s idea. I didn’t want to do it.”

“Uh-huh. Sure.” Before he had a chance to move, I stabbed his thigh with my knife. The little pissant screamed and I stabbed the other leg.

He crab-walked backward, trying to get away. No point. He couldn’t exactly run. Even if he did, I’d find him. Standing, I reached down and grabbed his collar, then dragged him along behind me. Down a dark alley, across another street, and into yet another alley. Dropping him by a dumpster, I took my time, sliding my knife into his belly, his legs, slashed his arms.

I could see the light fading from his eyes, and I sat to watch, taking it all in until he’d taken his last breath.

It didn’t leave me feeling as satisfied as I’d hoped. Deciding there wouldn’t be any others, I went back to the apartment building and watched the windows, hoping to spot the woman from earlier. I found her on the third floor, staring out into the night. She’d changed her clothes, and her nightgown molded to her curves. Even from here, I could see the peaks of her nipples through the material.

My cock hardened and I wanted to feel her under me. Chained to my bed, begging for mercy. The thought of her crying, hearing her pleas for me to set her free, was enough to make me smile.

I didn’t know who she was, but I wanted to find out.

She was the first in over a decade to make me want something other than death.


About the Author

Harley Wylde is an accomplished author known for her captivating MC Romances. With an unwavering commitment to sensual storytelling, Wylde immerses her readers in an exciting world of fierce men and irresistible women. Her works exude passion, danger, and gritty realism, while still managing to end on a satisfying note each time.

When not crafting her tales, Wylde spends her time brainstorming new plotlines, indulging in a hot cup of Starbucks, or delving into a good book. She has a particular affinity for supernatural horror literature and movies. Visit Wylde's website to learn more about her works and upcoming events, and don't forget to sign up for her newsletter to receive exclusive discounts and other exciting perks.

Author on Facebook, Instagram, Patreon, & TikTok: @harleywylde

Publisher on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok: @changelingpress

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Poetry Feature: The Dove That Didn't Return by Yael S. Hacohen #blogtour #bookreview #poetry #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours


Date Published: May 21, 2024

Publisher: Holy Cow! Press


A poet and female commander in the Israeli Defense Forces creates an original perspective from the war-torn front lines of the Middle East conflict.

The Dove That Didn’t Return tackles the canon of war poetry, an almost exclusively male-penned body of poems. In the book, biblical stories, verses, and fragments are rewritten through the eyes of a female lieutenant in the Israeli Army. It is a contemporary poetics on the revelations of war from an Israeli perspective never before told—a woman, and a soldier at that.

This debut full-length collection follows upon the publication of her critically acclaimed chapbook, Between Sanctity and Sand, from Finishing Line Press.


Yael S. Hacohen has an imagination that shines through in her words.

Every poem is well written, unfiltered, and relatable. 

We need more books like this on the market. There is a place in this book for everyone.

About the Author

Yael S. Hacohen earned a Ph.D. at UC Berkeley. She has received research/teaching fellowships from Tel Aviv University and Bar Ilan University. She has an MFA in Poetry from New York University, where she was an NYU Veterans Workshop Fellow, International Editor at Washington Square Literary Review, and Editor-in-Chief at Nine Lines Literary Review. Her work has been featured or is forthcoming in The Poetry Review, Ploughshares, The Missouri Review, Bellevue Literary Review, LIT, Prairie Schooner, New York Quarterly Magazine, Colorado Review, and many more. Hacohen published her chapbook Between Sanctity and Sand with Finishing Line Press in 2021. Hacohen served as a lieutenant in the 162nd Armored Division of the Israeli Defense Forces. She lives with her family in Tel Aviv, Israel.


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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Horror Feature: The Ocean Hugs Hard by Eric Avedissian #releaseday #giveaway #horror #mystery #rabtbooktours @angryreporter @RABTBookTours



Date Published: 06-24-2024

Publisher: Shadow Spark Publishing


Surfside City, New Jersey. 1966. Cub reporter Harman Bass is cutting his teeth in the fast world of local journalism and getting out-scooped by the competition. Facetious, cocky, and always quoting Nietzsche, Harman isn’t making any friends both in and out of the newsroom.

All that changes when the daughter of a prominent family is found dead on the beach, handing Harman the juiciest news story of the year. But she wasn’t any old beauty pageant queen; she was his high school girlfriend. Harman’s dogged reporting into the young woman’s death reveals pushback from the authorities and pulls the newshound into the resort’s darkest corners.

After one of his sources is murdered, the routine story becomes dangerous and personal. Something watches Harman from the shadows, something ancient and hungry, worshipped by powerful men who kill to keep their secrets. Harman’s job and life are soon threatened, and the once brash reporter must battle his boss, rival journalists, and his own sanity before filing what could be his last story.

THE OCEAN HUGS HARD is a mystery with the salty whiff of the ocean, a tinge of nostalgia, and a dollop of mind-shattering eldritch horror.

About the Author

ERIC AVEDISSIAN is an adjunct professor and speculative fiction author. His published work includes the novels Accursed Son, Mr. Penny-Farthing, Midnight at Bat Hollow, and the role-playing game Ravaged Earth. His short stories appear in various anthologies, including Across the Universe, Great Wars, and Rituals & Grimoires. Avedissian received a 2024 Fellowship in Prose from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. He lives in New Jersey with his wife and a ridiculous number of books. Find him online at if you dare.


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Twitter: @angryreporter

Instagram: @ericavedissian

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Friday, June 21, 2024

Fiction Feature: BLUE by Walter Jones #fiction #Rabtbooktours @spellboundpic @RABTBookTours


"Until the Lion tells his side of the story, the tale of the Hunt will always glorify the Hunter."


Pamela Edwards McClafferty (Editor)



Date Published: May 21, 2024

Publisher: Spellbound Pictures Ltd USA LLC.




BLUE: A Multigenerational Epic of Destiny, Secrets, and Freedom


Until the lion tells his side of the story, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.


Spanning five generations, four families, two continents, and three secrets, BLUE is a captivating saga that intertwines the lives of four extraordinary individuals on an urgent mission for freedom.


Meet the Protagonists:


  • Nicole Johnson: A beautiful Howard University MBA graduate with a vision to build her international advertising/marketing company, Fresh, Inc., in her hometown of Chicago.
  • Regina Bovine: A stunning artistic marketer and graduate of life's challenges, Regina becomes Nicole's partner in Fresh, Inc., bringing her unique perspective and talent.
  • Segun Bada: A brilliant MIT graduate who establishes the headquarters of his international conglomerate, Quantum Protection Systems (Q.P.S.), in Gaborone, Botswana.
  • Sotonye Bada: Segun's gifted brother and a graduate of the Mayo Medical School, Sotonye sets up his medical practice in Gaborone, Botswana, alongside his brother.


Together, their paths converge in an extraordinary saga that takes them across the globe to Chicago, New Orleans, Botswana, Sudan, Ethiopia, Huntsville, Nigeria, Kenya, Washington D.C., and Tanzania. As they unravel the secrets of their ancestors, they discover the reason the ancient oracles destined them to join forces.


A Race Against Time:

With BLUE, a formidable force of evil, threatening to unleash his deadliest powers upon the world before the children born to either join or destroy him reach their thirty-first birthday, Nicole and Regina are drawn back to the African continent, the birthplace of BLUE.

In a final, epic battle, they join Sotonye and Segun to protect the Freedom Code, a legacy for their ancestors, their present allies, and the future generations of their people—and all people. For if one man or woman is enslaved, so is the world.


BLUE: A Riveting Tale of:


  • Family: Exploring the intricate bonds and connections between generations and families across continents.
  • Love: Showcasing the power of love in its various forms, from familial love to romantic love.
  • Destiny: Unraveling the ancient prophecies that foretold the convergence of four lives on a mission.
  • Freedom: Fighting for the fundamental right of freedom for all individuals and the world at large.


Immerse yourself in this multigenerational epic that will keep you turning pages as you journey alongside Nicole, Regina, Segun, and Sotonye in their quest for freedom and the preservation of their legacy.


About the Author

 Walter Jones, a native Chicagoan, (1952 -) has written his first novel.

“Dreams can come true, but it probably won’t happen as you first imagined. No one could have told me a novel I started when I was in my forties would come to fruition in my sixties. Or that I would go from golden boy to ‘I‘m sorry. You are extremely qualified for the position, but we are considering other candidates.’ Or that I would face years of doubt and criticism from relatives and friends.”

The sixth child of Mary Louise Spillman and Russell Donald Jones Jr., Walter grew up in two predominately African American communities, Morgan Park and Chatham. The Spillmans were one of the first African American families to settle in Chicago; they owned homes and businesses and took care of their neighborhoods.

By the mid-1960s, the civil rights movement was in full swing. Housing projects had been built and crime was on the rise. By the time Walter graduated from Chicago State University (psychology), the peace he had known in his youth was a memory.

Walter had high hopes that he could make a difference when he began his career at the Austin Chicago YMCA before becoming the first black executive at Lawson YMCA Metro Chicago. He ended his YMCA career at the historical Black Washington Park. Thereafter, he worked at Habitat Boulevard LLC and then ventured out on his own to found his own construction company.

“Working in public service, I watched my people falling into materialistic, superficial, and destructive traps. I was surprised and humbled to find I was no exception. When my construction business failed, I had to reassess myself and my life. For years I had focused on the image I wanted my children and others to have of me, not on the man I truly was. I began to reflect on the people who had profoundly influenced my life.”

BLUE began to take form as Walter wrote about the African American life of his youth—the beauty, majesty, brilliance, and courage of his people. He suddenly realized he was rebuilding that which he had lost, a love of self and humanity. To support his family, he took odd jobs. Ultimately he joined a security company, where he works to this day.

“As my greatest advocate, my mother read my first draft of BLUE before her death in 1995 and made me promise to complete it. Little did I know she was freeing me from BLUE and showing me how long the path can be to freedom, but I learned, and I am grateful.”


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Historical Fiction Feature: The Mark of the Salamander by Justin Newland #blogtour #bookreview #giveaway #historical #fiction #rabtbooktours @JustinNewland53 @RABTBookTours



The Island of Angels Series, Book 1

Historical Fiction

Date Published: 09-28-2024

Publisher: The Book Guild




Nelan Michaels is a young Flemish man fleeing religious persecution in the Spanish Netherlands. Settling in Mortlake outside London, he studies under Queen Elizabeth’s court astrologer, conjuring a bright future – until he’s wrongly accused of murder.

Forced into the life of a fugitive, Nelan hides in London, before he is dramatically pressed into the crew of the Golden Hind.

Thrust into a strange new world on board Francis Drake’s vessel, Nelan sails the seas on a voyage to discover discovery itself. Encountering mutiny, ancient tribes and hordes of treasure, Nelan must explore and master his own mystical powers – including the Mark of the Salamander, the mysterious spirit of fire.

THE MARK OF THE SALAMANDER is the first in The Island of Angels series: a two-book saga that tells the epic story and secret history of England’s coming of age during the Elizabethan era.


Adventure and mystery with characters that you want to know more about.

The Mark of the Salamander comes complete with a vivid setting and well-drawn characters.

The stakes are high and the action continues throughout the entire read. Perfectly paced to keep you flipping pages.

About the Author

JUSTIN NEWLAND’s novels represent an innovative blend of genres from historical adventure to supernatural thriller and magical realism.

Undeterred by the award of a Doctorate in Mathematics from Imperial College, London, he conceived his debut novel, The Genes of Isis (ISBN 9781789014860, Matador, 2018), an epic fantasy set under Ancient Egyptian skies.

His second book is a historical thriller, The Old Dragon’s Head (ISBN 9781789015829, Matador, 2018), and is set in Ming Dynasty China in the shadows of the Great Wall.

His third, The Coronation (ISBN 9781838591885, Matador, 2019), is another historical adventure and speculates on the genesis of the most important event in the modern world – the Industrial Revolution.

The Abdication (ISBN 9781800463950, Matador, 2021) is a mystery thriller in which a young woman confronts her faith in a higher purpose and what it means to abdicate that faith.

His latest is The Mark of the Salamander (ISBN 9781915853271, Book Guild, 2023) and is the first in a two-book series, The Island of Angels. Set in the Elizabethan era, it tells the epic tale of England’s coming of age.

The second in the series, The Midnight of Eights, charts of the uncanny coincidences that culminated in the repulse of the Spanish Armada and is due to be published later this year.

Author, speaker and broadcaster, Justin appears on LitFest panels, gives talks to historical associations and libraries and enjoys giving radio interviews.

He lives with his partner in plain sight of the Mendip Hills in Somerset, England.

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Twitter: @JustinNewland53


Pinterest: @jnewland0711


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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Memoir Feature: Talitha Cumi by W.M. Brazil #memoir #nonfiction #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours


(Little Girl, I Say to You, Arise!)





"This book is a record of how God transformed my life. I am coming to the end of my journey, and this book is my legacy to the world."

-W. M. Brazil


W. M. Brazil, fondly referred to as Chaplain Brazil, is an honorably retired ordained minister in the church. She is gifted by the Holy Spirit and ordained by God to feed his children on his word. Her only claim to fame is that she loves Jesus and Jesus loves her.

I am an African American woman, born less than eighty years after the civil war. I entered the work force a year after the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Life for my family was hard living in a George Wallace and Bull Connor Alabama. But God birthed me into a family who not only knew struggle, but also knew the God who brings us through the struggle. Yet, being born into a family who knew God, was not enough to bring me into relationship with the living God. It took Jesus Christ, the Lord of Life, walking into my life, taking me by the hand and gently saying, Talitha Cumi, which means, Little Girl, I say unto you, Arise! He touched me and made me whole. But that could only happen after I, like the woman with the issue of blood, touched the hem of his garment.

This is my story. This is my song. Praising my Savior, all the day long. Jesus brought heaven and earth together in my life. I would take nothing for the journey. I truly found the pearl of great value.





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Humor Feature: Peculiar People and the Pets Who Love Them by Justin Moroyan #blogtou #bookreview #humor #nonfiction #rabtbooktours @JMoroyan @RABTBookTuors





Date Published: May 23, 2024

Publisher: BookBaby


"Peculiar People and the Pets Who Love Them"…lovingly written and illustrated by Justin Moroyan, is a darkly-whimsical and addictively-humorous picture book that tells the stories of fantastically weird people and their equally strange and adoring pets

These stories revolve around characters who are gloriously abnormal. They embrace that attribute, and don't shy away from being their unique, spectacular selves. Like Madam Rosette and her poodle, Josette, who only enjoy "bad" smells…or Samurai Megasaki, who is addicted to water but also allergic to it. Each spread welcomes you into wondrous, stunningly detailed, vibrant illustrations, and stories that are guaranteed to capture your imagination and tickle your grey matter. Each time you explore it, you'll discover new secrets and symbolism that delve you deeper into captivating worlds you will inexorably fall in love with.


This is a quirky book, in the best way. It's definitely funny and will keep you flipping pages.

Easy to pick up and put down. Anticdotes and common stereotypes, but so much more.

About the Author

I'm an illustrator and writer, and I've always loved expressing myself on paper...the ability to work within a space where I can make anything happen has always been a form of therapy for me. It's one of the reasons I love the Fantasy and Sci-Fi genres so much.

"That's the wonderful thing about crayons. They can take you to more places than a starship." (Guinan, Star Trek: The Next Generation)

I share an affinity for dark humor with some of my atypical real-life superheroes, like Tim Burton, Charles Addams, Edward Gorey, and Wes Anderson. Of course, I can't leave out the wondrously enchanting worlds created by Dr. Seuss and Disney, which fertilized my drive to invent worlds of my very own growing up, and still, to this day.

I tend to gravitate towards humorous stories about social ineptitude, mad science, the supernatural, and wonderfully addictive, perfectly imperfect, B-movie-like humor and exaggerated characters. I love diving down the rabbit hole of my mind and exploring strange new worlds.

"All we can do, Scully, is pull the thread and see what it unravels." (Fox Mulder, The X-Files) --This text refers to the paperback edition.

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