
Monday, July 17, 2017

Book Tour: Dangerously Yours by @AMGriffinbooks #giveaway and #review

Sci-Fi Romance
Date Published: June 6, 2017

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Kane Epps divides his life into two distinct parts—before the alien invasion and after. Before the invasion, he had a pregnant wife and a high-powered job. After the invasion, he’s left with only himself and his hatred for all things alien. He channels his bitterness by captaining a vessel of renegade humans—space pirates who don’t think twice about taking what they need. 
Princess Sa’Mya is on the run. She and a few trusted advisers fled her home planet only to be captured by the sexy, dangerous Captain Epps. He claims to hate aliens but can’t seem to resist touching her or kissing her…everywhere. As Kane introduces Sa’Mya to ever-increasing, unimaginable realms of pleasure, the princess becomes determined to earn his trust. She’s used to getting what she wants. And this time, what she wants is Kane Epps. 

Publisher’s Note: This story was previously published by Ellora’s Case under the title Dangerously Yours and has been revised for re-publish by the Author.

Reader Advisory: This space-opera romance contains some good old-fashioned voyeurism.


I think the best thing about this novel was that there was quite a bit of suspense that kept me on my toes throughout. Be ready for twists and turns and surprises. This book will definitely keep you in suspense. Usually you get either a Paranormal or a Mystery with your romance. This book does a great job of combining the three. 

The relationship between Sa’Mya and Kane evolved at a nice pace. Yes there was attraction from the start, but it was not a BAM I love you type. ; ) 

Definitely a must read for fans of Sci-Fi Romance! 

About the Author

A. M. Griffin is a wife who rarely cooks, mother of three, dog owner (and sometimes dog owned), a daughter, sister, aunt and friend. She’s a hard worker whose two favorite outlets are reading and writing. She enjoys reading everything from mystery novels to historical romances and of course fantasy romance. She is a believer in the unbelievable, open to all possibilities from mermaids in our oceans and seas, angels in the skies and intelligent life forms in distant galaxies.

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Reading Addiction Blog Tours


  1. Thank you for posting

  2. Thank you for your honest review and for having me!

  3. Thank you for your honest review and for having me!
