
Monday, February 19, 2024

Mystery Feature: Oaky with a Hint of Murder by Dawn Brotherton #blogtour #bookreview #giveaway #cozymystery #mystery #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours

 Eastover Treasures, Book 2

Cozy Mystery

Date to be Published: 12 Mar 2024

Publisher: Blue Dragon Publishing, LLC


Aury and Scott travel to the Finger Lakes in New York’s wine country to get to the bottom of the mysterious happenings at the Songscape Winery. Disturbed furniture and curious noises are one thing, but when a customer winds up dead, it’s time to dig into the details and see what ferments.

Is there any truth to the Native American legends that cluster near Seneca Lake? Is the warrior’s disapproval of wineries growing legs?

Aury will need to pour over the clues to unearth the mystery before the winery’s reputation is crushed. With the annual wine festival just around the corner, Aury harvests more than she bargained for when the killer tries to bottle her up for good.

Dawn Brotherton has great attention to detail and makes everything from the setting, to the characters feel very real. It makes for a wonderfully written and very authentic novel. 
Secondary characters are setup well, but the main characters steal the show and show the attention to detail and quirky personalities. 
Just a gem, when an author can distract me from digging into the murder then that is a writer I'm in awe of their talent.

About the Author

Dawn Brotherton is an award-winning author of nineteen books and featured speaker at writing and publishing seminars. When it comes to exceptional writing, she draws on her experience as a colonel retired from the US Air Force as well as a softball coach and Girl Scout leader. Her variety of interests has led to a range of genres including mystery, romance, young adult fantasy, middle grade sports, picture book, and nonfiction. When she isn’t using her words, Dawn is in her craft room in Williamsburg, VA, quilting, painting, or taking online classes. Her affection for travel and all-things-crafty keeps her imagination in high gear for the next Eastover Treasure Mystery.


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