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Friday, October 11, 2024

Self-Help Feature: Treasure Hunting in the Underworld by Lillian Moore #bookreview #selfhelp #nonfiction #spirituality #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours



A Guide for Healing and Claiming What's Yours


Self-help, personal development, psychology, spirituality, trauma healing

Date Published: August 5, 2024



Everything you want: all the riches of the world, the depth, beauty, the fun.

Everything you want is in the underworld of your psyche.

This is where our capacity to experience lives.

Yet, most of us barely know what is happening in our own mind and are at least a little terrified of who we might really be.

Just as our wishes and dreams live in the underworld of our psyche, so do our worst fears, the things we desperately want to run from. This is the treasure.

Our traumas, patterns, addictions, seedy desires, and repressed memories once welcomed and transformed by the light of our consciousness give us our greatest power, creativity, and magnetism.

This is your guidebook to your underworld that you might claim everything that you are.


It was a short read but had very intriguing thoughts.

It was written with a steady flow and plenty of action items along the way.

Inspiring and loving, and insightful. It kept me interested the whole time!

About the Author

Lillian is a co-founder of Mindlight and the Mindlight Institute, which has trained thousands of people to integrate trauma. She has been studying and practicing the healing arts since she was a child. She was a volunteer for the Stress Project that helped veterans heal from PTSD, has led trainings for Google Vitality Labs and SXSW.


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