
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Horror Feature: Blush of Death by Lisa Acerbo #blogtour #bookreview #giveaway #fantasy #horror #rabtbooktours @Apocalipstick_ @RABTBooktours


Hell in a Handbag, Book 2

Horror, Zombies, Urban Fantasy

Date Published 03-01-2022

Publisher: DLG Publishing Partners

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Dying is anything but rosy. I wake with Caleb at my side. Having someone next to you during the zombie apocalypse is always a comfort until he explains a mysterious illness almost finished the job of the undead and ended my life.

It can always be worse, and it is. Outside the fortified High Point Inn, the zombies keep coming, there’s turmoil within the ranks, and my best friend, Lilly, has been kidnapped.

I slept through it all. Sure, I was suffering from an unknown malady, but that’s no excuse.

Unable and unwilling to sit in bed, I develop a rescue plan. As soon as I’m recuperated, Caleb and I are off into the wilderness to find Lilly.

Zombies, I expect. The other surprises nearly send me to the grave again. Some days, it’s hard to face the ugly truth, but I realize that not every monster is evil, and not every human has a soul.

Hordes of zombies, mysterious illnesses, and the death of friends. Now there’s a kidnapping. How much can one woman take?

Book Review

This was a unique read with a vivid world that manages to captivate and submerge the reader from the very start. 

This is the epitome of Zombie, Horror Apocalyptic reading. It was hard to put down.

There is an immense level of detail the author puts into his setting and characters and I think that helps the reader imagine the characters and world vividly.

A wonderful ride that was action-packed. 

About the Author

Lisa Acerbo enjoys teaching high school and is an adjunct at local community colleges in Connecticut. She is a graduate of the University of

Connecticut where she earned a BA in English Education. When not reading, writing, hiking, drinking coffee or wine (depends on the hour), she spends her time with her husband and three rescue dogs.

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  1. Thanks for sharing, this sounds really good

  2. Sounds like a chilling & thrilling read for me, thanks for sharing it with me and have a wonderful day!
