
Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Suspense Feature: Where's Kazu? by @gfjolle #blogtour #bookreview #giveaway #suspense #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours


Book One of the Maison de Danse Quartet


Date Published: 01-01-2022

Publisher: Épouvantail Books

The hunt is on. Pierce Danser is desperately searching for his grandson, Kazu, a twelve year old who's carving a murderous trail as he tries to escape his past. Labeled by the Mexican federales as Jappy the Assassin, the boy has fought his way to the states, being chased by his double-crossed employer and the law. When Pierce picks up his trail, he starts his desperate journey from a simple life in Michigan to the Midwest, using all of his wits and contacts to rescue the boy before the Mexican hitmen and the authorities get their claws into him.

As the trail leads Pierce to Florida, he is also targeted and attacked. Battered and frightened, he refuses to give up, doing all he can to get to Kazu before the boy is caught and disappeared and worse. Because of his trickery and escape, nothin less than Kazu's head on a spike will do.

Pierce is in the fight of his life.

The clock is ticking.

Can he save the boy from his deadly pursuers?

This was a great story, It as hard to put down! Love the characters!
This story is a combination of suspense and mystery but a highlight on characters and interactions. 
The author does a phenomenal job with the writing, making it all feel so authentic. 
The characters are detailed, well-developed and relatable. 
The story itself is engaging and thrilling. 
There is so much in this one book but the author managed to still not make it feel overwhelming or too crammed. 

About the Author

Greg Jolley earned a Master of Arts in Writing from the University of San Francisco. He is the author of the suspense novels about the fictional Danser family. He lives in a very small town in Florida and when he's not writing, he's researching historical true crime or goes surfing.

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