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Friday, October 30, 2020

Sci-Fi / Fantasy Feature: Sea of Forgetfulness by Lanie Mores @laniemores #giveaway #blogtour #Bookreview #scifi #fantasy #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours


Father of Contention series, Book 3

 Science fiction and fantasy, Paranormal, Christian

Date Published: July 21, 2020

Publisher: Tellwell Talent

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Angelika Juris unexpectedly becomes legal guardian to her sister’s rejected child, Dani... a child with the potential to develop supernatural abilities.

After witnessing a horrific event, Dani develops mental health issues, but is able to overcome her inner turmoil through treatment and her parents’ love. Their lives fall into a comfortable routine filled with dance classes, sleepovers, and video game marathons.

Until the accident.

At the age of thirteen, Dani is involved in a tragic highway disaster, and as a result of her injuries, her powers manifest. Afraid to tell her parents about her newfound abilities, and even more afraid of harming them, Dani is lured away to find her estranged mutant brothers, seeking answers about her origins and how to control her new power.

Guided by an amulet and map—a gift sent from her brother, Tomas Scholz—Dani embarks on an adventure where she meets a young boy, Jonathan. He is lost, with no memories of his identity, his family, or his home. With nowhere else to turn, Jonathan joins Dani on her quest, and together they battle pirates, the undead, and finally, her evil family—a family that is a far cry from what she expected.

Will Dani deny her destiny and resist the evil plans of her siblings, or will she succumb to her role in fulfilling the prophecy—being the path and the key—that ends in the fall of mankind?

Book Review
I liked that there was one ultimate plot and goal in the book, but that there were several personal issues for the characters along the way. There were little issues along the way. 
This book was very easy to follow as a reader. Whether you are new to the Father of Contention world or have been following each book.

I never felt confused and that is a great testament when you are introducing readers to new characters and a world such as this, while making sure readers are up to date on what has happened. 

This was a great read. 

About the Author

Lanie Mores has her Honours Bachelor of Science Degree and a Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology and is a certified hypnotherapist and personal trainer. She lives in Ontario with her husband, son, and forever barking fur babies, Batman and Petri. Sea of Forgetfulness follows Father of Contention and the awardwinning Guardian of Angel in a fourpart series.

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Thursday, October 29, 2020

Historical Feature: Newark Minutemen by Leslie K. Barry @NMinutemen #blogtour #bookreview #historical #fiction #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours


Historical Fiction

Date Published: October 6, 2020

Publisher: Morgan James Publishing

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Based on a true story about fighting fascism in 1930s New Jersey, Newark Minutemen tells an unforgettable tale about forbidden love, intrigue and a courageous man’s search for avenge….

During the Great Depression, Jewish boxer Yael Newman meets Krista Brecht, daughter of the German-American Nazi high command. When his affections turn real, his friends warn him against crossing the line. When Krista leaves for American Nazi summer camp in Long Island, New York, he swears to rescue her. But his mission becomes much more when he’s recruited into the Newark Minutemen by the Jewish mob and FBI to go undercover and fight the American Nazis who are taking over America.

Newark Minutemen Optioned first film

This is a powerful, beautiful story and not to be missed. It is not at all necessary to understand the time period to appreciate everything there is to experience in this novel. 

I finished the book very quickly, but I will be thinking about the questions raised for a long time to come.

 About the Author

Amazon best-selling author, Leslie K. Barry is most recently a screenwriter, author, and executive producer. Her previous professional work includes executive positions with major entertainment companies including Turner Broadcasting, Hasbro/Parker Brothers, Mattel, and Mindscape Video Games. Other areas of business include executive for the first e-shopping platform called eShop and marketing for Lotus Development, the US Post Office, and AOL. She was an Alpha Sigma Tau at JMU (James Madison University) in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley and attended a grad program at Harvard. She has spent the last twenty-five years with her husband, Doug Barry, in Tiburon, CA raising their four kids, Zachary, Brittany, Shaya, and Jackson, and their dog, Kona. On the side, she's devoted to genealogy where she has uncovered many ideas for developing untold stories that help us appreciate the context of history, preserve lessons of the past, and honor memories through family storybooks. For fun, she likes to travel, ski in Sun Valley, Idaho, play tennis, and visit her family in Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina, where she most enjoys Maryland hard crabs and hush puppies, Ledo's pizza, and chocolate horns. You can visit her website at


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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Nonfiction Feature: Better Sleep, Happier Life by @drbuddharaju #blogtour #bookreview #nonfiction #sleep #depression #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours



Simple Natural Methods to Refresh Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

Sleep Disorders

Depression (Books)

Happiness Self-Help

Date Published: April 7, 2020

Publisher: Bublish, Incorporated

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"[An] incredible self-help book. Highly recommended!" Susan Keefe, The Columbia Review of Books and Film

“Dr. Buddharaju dissects the most complex sleep science into simple practical strategies that can be put to use by anyone!” — Murali Ankem, MD, MBA, Associate Dean School of Medicine at University of Louisville

Did you know that sleep is a key component for a happy life? Research shows us it is. But with all of today’s technology and stresses, many people are getting less sleep or experiencing poorer quality sleep. This can negatively impact mood, concentration, productivity, physical health and, yes, even happiness.

As a practicing physician for more than twenty years, Dr. Venkata Buddharaju (known as Dr. Buddha to his patients) has extensive experience treating patients with sleep problems. And the number of patients he is seeing with sleep disorders is on the rise.

In Better Sleep, Happier Life, Dr. Buddharaju teaches seven simple, practical, and natural methods to help you get better sleep in order to refresh your mind and body. Filled with wisdom from his years of experience as well as simple lifestyle changes, Better Sleep, Happier Life can help you find rest and refreshment in the midst of your busy life…and reap the benefits.




I was surprised at how much of this book I was able to take and apply to life. Whether you know you have issues or you don't, I think that it will help you learn about your sleep habits and how to get a better sleep in general. Sleep is so very important to our energy and ultimately happiness and Dr. Buddharaju really highlights it! 




 About the Author

Dr. Venkata Buddharaju (or Dr. Buddha, as his patients call him) is a fellowship-trained physician at the Albany Medical Center in Albany, New York. He is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine from the American Board of Internal Medicine.

He now teaches and consults at hospital intensive care units and pulmonary units as well as sleep medical practices. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) and teaches medical students from UIC, Chicago Medical School and Internal Medicine resident trainees at Weiss Memorial Hospital in Chicago.

He directs the Sleep Disorders Center and Clinic at Thorek Memorial Hospital in Chicago and serves as a Section Chief of Pulmonary & Critical Care at AMITA Health Saints Mary and Elizabeth Medical Center Chicago where he teaches Internal Medicine and Family Practice Residents while working in ICU as an Intensivist. Additionally, he is president of the medical staff at Kindred Chicago Lakeshore and Central hospitals. Dr. Buddharaju has numerous medical-device patents and is working to develop more patient friendly medical devices. Throughout his career, he has conducted clinical research, published his work in various medical journals, and worked to develop and implement high quality patient-care policies. He believes strongly that balancing natural healing practices with traditional medicine is important for the future of effective health care.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Non Fiction Feature: Swipe to the Altar by Mrs. Q. Warnock #blogtour #bookreview #nonfiction #selfhelp #giveaway #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours


Swipe to The Altar: Your 10-Step Roadmap to Finding True Love Online

Non-fiction/self help

Date Published: 8/3/2020


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It's so easy to fall in love, but hard to find someone who will catch you. Let me guess - you're a beautiful and intelligent girl, but so far, you haven't got much luck finding true love. This book will show you how to find your true love from online dating. You will no longer be the Instant Noodle and your love life will be transformed forever.




What a great idea for a book. This is a self-help that really needed to be written. I think that it is done in a very great way. It brings tips while also giving examples and real life situations. It's easy to follow and full of great ideas and tricks!  

About the Author

 Mrs. Q. Warnock, the former Miss Qianlei Li, started her online dating journey in 2014 and found the love of her life at the end of 2016. She has gone on 42 first dates and has got her heart broken multiple times before realizing the right way to go about online dating. She now lives happily with her husband in Northern Virginia.


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Monday, October 26, 2020

Memoir Feature: Eris Rising by Courtney Ramm #promo #releaseday #memoir #nonfiction #giveaway #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours @publishingacorn


Date Published: September 1
Publisher: Acorn Publishing

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Warrior’s aren't born, they are forged from the harsh experiences that shape them as they strive to defend what is sacred and true. And geniuses aren’t born either—or are they? Courtney Ramm would know, as she’s one of 229 offspring born from the controversial “Genius Sperm Bank”, a genetic experiment that existed in the 1980s and ‘90s. With a predisposition for “genius”, Courtney found herself driven toward success. Following her passion for dance, by the age of eight she was studying at the renowned School of American Ballet and soon thereafter, performing on New York’s greatest stages. At twenty-five years old, she acted upon a strong inner calling to start her own dance company—in Hawaii.

Moving across the globe from the concrete jungle of Manhattan to the tropical jungle in Hawaii, Courtney brought along her endless to-do lists and a strong determination to succeed. But one thing was missing from the picture-perfect life she had imagined: a perfect husband.


When she first locked eyes with Marcus at a spiritual gathering, she sensed something was off in the uncanny intensity of his stare. But she dove into a relationship anyway, not grasping the graveness and outright danger of the decision.


Eris Rising is a story of breaking deep karmic patterns, grappling with the calling of destiny, and changing long-held karma into mission. With the powerful feminine warrior spirit of Eris as inspiration, this memoir shows how it’s possible to move forward after life-altering “mistakes”, and recover the true “genius” within.

About the Author

Born and raised in the heart of New York City, Courtney Ramm has followed her passion for dance since childhood, which led to a career as a professional dancer, choreographer, and teacher. She’s directed dance schools, performed, and taught all over the world, from Singapore to Thailand to Manhattan.
With her Master’s degree in Dance Education, Courtney has led wellness retreats in Hawaii, focusing on empowerment and transformation. Courtney is the founder and artistic director of RammDance, a non-profit dedicated to keeping the legacy of modern dance pioneer Isadora Duncan alive. She blends her love of dance with holistic healing, and is a certified Pilates instructor, Yoga teacher, Ayurvedic consultant, Theta healer, Master Detox Chef, and Reiki practitioner.

Alongside her focused training and career in dance, writing has always been one of Courtney’s passions. She knew she would write a book—although she never imagined her memoir would take such a twisted turn.

Courtney is a full-time single mama to two toddlers. Eris Rising is her first book.

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Medical Fiction Feature: The Last Rose of Summer by Mary Austin #blogtour #bookreview #medicalfiction #fiction #rabtbooktours @MaryAustinBooks @RABTBookTours


Medical Fiction

Date Published: June 25, 2020

Publisher: Archway Publishing

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While working independently as a pre-med student at Cleary University, the soon-to-be physician, Mary Austin, discovers a remarkable, non-toxic drug that could offer tremendous hope to cancer patients. Her work is headed for publication in a top medical journal until a drug company begins negotiations with her bosses from which she is mysteriously excluded.

Amid egregious sexual harassment, Mary's materials are blatantly sabotaged. As death threats follow and her work becomes impossible, she is accepted at Whitehead College of Medicine despite evidence that her bosses tampered with her application process. After becoming a pediatrics resident, she shares her story with her beloved mentor, Dr. Daniel Taylor, who allows her to temporarily leave her residency training to reproduce the work. Her joy turns to sorrow and then determination when she learns that Dr. Taylor is battling terminal pancreatic cancer. Even as a chain of events prompts the sabotage of Mary's drug stock and leaves her seemingly without any choice but to permanently leave academic medicine, the story of her drug is not over yet.

In this novel inspired by a true story, after a young cancer researcher discovers a breakthrough drug that could change chemotherapy, the drug industry suppresses the breakthrough and transforms her life and career forever.



This is not a quick read. It's a book that will keep you thinking all of the way through and have you marinating on what you are reading. It makes you think in the best way. 
Ultimately, to me it was a story about relationships and a deep look into that. 
The writing was well done and easy to follow. The pacing was a little slower than I like, but it kept up the entire way through. 
Characters were well rounded and unique. They were created in a way that makes us want to learn more about them as we went. 

About the Author

Mary Austin is the pseudonym for a physician who, in order to publicize a suppressed discovery in cancer research, had to sacrifice first her academic career, then a career as a board-certified pediatrician, and then her personal safety. She would do it again.

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Friday, October 23, 2020

Nonfiction Christian Feature: The Butterfly Blueprint by @butterflygrowth #blogtour #bookreview #christian #nonfiction #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours


How to Renew Your Mind and Grow Your Faith

Christian, Spiritual growth, Christian mentorship

Date Published: Sept 22, 2020

Publisher: Lucid Books Publishing

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Have you ever found yourself doing the same thing over and over again without realizing it? Are you spiritually stuck, wanting a deeper relationship with God but not sure how to get there?


In The Butterfly Blueprint, Stephanie Miller uses each stage of a butterfly-egg, caterpillar, cocoon, and butterfly-to show you five ways to grow your faith. By examining how your past shapes your perspective and understanding of the value of authenticity and accountability in relationships, you will learn how to identify and address your spiritual blind spots that are hindering your growth.


Stephanie opens up her own journey of transformation while providing practical steps you can implement to see real progress in your spiritual life.


●      Your purpose will become clearer.

●      Your relationships will grow deeper.

●      You will create a new perspective to share your story with others.


You were not created to remain a caterpillar your entire life. Let God change your perspective so He can transform you into the beautiful butterfly He made you to be.




Stephanie Miller has put together a book that highlights her knowledge and faith.

This isn't just a read, it's a guide with tips and exercises woven in. 

It's open and honest and really sheds light on Miller as a person along the way. 

The entire book may not have things that apply to you, but you will definitely find many helpful things over the course of reading. 

Very well put together and overall a great solid Non Fiction read. 

About the Author

 Stephanie Miller, M.A., is a certified personal growth coach, writer, and speaker. Currently living in Colorado, she is the wife of a busy Army dentist, and mom to a strong-willed toddler and sweet baby boy. Together they enjoy going on hiking adventures. Her ministry, Butterfly Beginnings, specializes in helping those who are spiritually stuck by catalyzing change through connection with the Holy Spirit. She seeks to encourage women and challenge them to grow closer to God and in community with each other. Her past published works include I Am Enough in Christ, a workbook and devotional. Connect with her at

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Thursday, October 22, 2020

Thriller Feature: Loser's Gumbo by @manningwolfe @bulletbooksSR #blogtour #bookreview #mystery #thriller #giveaway #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours


Bullet Books Speed Reads #13

Crime Fiction/Mystery/Thriller

Date Published: September 17, 2020

Publisher: Starpath Books, LLC

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When Mack Mouton finds a dead body in a drum case, Louisiana police suspect him of the murder. As Mack travels the South, and performs with his band, he becomes the target of the real killer. Mack is sucked into danger and intrigue, and discovers a mystery about his deceased father. Will Mack be the next body in the drum case? 

Or…will he evade the killer and solve the puzzle?





Bullet Books are speed reads for the busy traveler, commuter, and beach-goer. All are new original crime fiction stories that can be read in two to three hours. Gripping cinematic mysteries and thrillers by your favorite authors!

Page turners for fans who want to escape into a good read.





Are you looking for the kind of thriller that will hook a reader from the beginning and make them want more from the author as soon as possible??  This is definitely that kind of read! 

Wolfe & Davis are mesmerizing storytellers who keeps the reader turning pages as quick as possible to unravel the mystery they have created. 

This book will consume you, it's wonderfully written and a great overall thriller. 


Manning Wolfe

 Manning Wolfe, an award-winning author and attorney residing in Austin, Texas, writes cinematic-style, fast-paced crime fiction. Her legal thriller series features Austin Lawyer, Merit Bridges. Manning is co-author of the popular Bullet Books Speed Reads, a series of crime fiction books for readers on the go.

As a graduate of Rice University and the University of Texas School of Law, Manning’s experience has given her a voyeur’s peek into some shady characters’ lives and a front row seat to watch the good people who stand against them.

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John T. Davis

 JOHN T. DAVIS has co-authored, under the pen name Miles Arceneaux, five thrillers set on the Texas Gulf Coast. The first novel in the series, Thin Slice of Life, was followed by La Salle’s Ghost, Ransom Island, North Beach, and the latest volume, Hidden Sea. His Bullet Book Speed Read, co-authored under his own name, is Loser’s Gumbo. A journalist by trade, John makes his home in Austin, Texas.


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