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Friday, October 21, 2016

Blog Tour: The Christmas Eve Letter by @douglaselyse #review and #giveaway

Time Travel Romance/Women’s Fiction
Date PublishedSeptember 15, 2016

30-year-old Eve Sharland is browsing a Pennsylvania antiques store when she discovers an old brass lantern tucked away on a shelf.  It attracts her.   She picks it up and sees something behind one of the sooty glass panes.  She gently lifts it and, to her surprise, she finds an unopened letter stuck inside.
The letter is postmarked December 24, 1885, and it is addressed to Evelyn Sharland in New York City.  Eve gasps and drops the letter.  That’s her name!  The letter is addressed to someone with the same name in 1885: Evelyn Sharland. 
Eve promptly purchases the lantern and the letter, and returns to her New York City apartment.  Later that evening, she carefully opens the letter and reads it, astounded by its contents.  She stares at the lantern in wonder and alarm, deeply moved by the story of a tragic romance.
A few days later, following a request in the letter, Eve cautiously lights the lantern.  To her utter shock, she finds herself in the past—in 1885 New York City.  Eve is thrown into a life far beyond what she could have ever imagined, as she gets involved with one of the richest families in New York City, and meets the handsome Patrick Gantly.  She must struggle to survive and return to her own time, even as her destiny is changed forever.


It's never too early to get into the Christmas Spirit right? I love the holidays, so of course, I love reading about them as well. I liked the fact that this novel was a holiday novel with Time Travel and mystery as well.

I liked the imagination that Elyse Douglas showed with the novel.

Her descriptions and knowledge of the time she was writing about really shined through as I felt myself picturing the world that Eve was in.

Elyse does a great job of evoking emotions in her reader as well!

 Elyse Douglas is the pen name for the husband and wife writing team of Elyse Parmentier and Douglas Pennington. Elyse's mother was a painter and her father a textile consultant. Elyse began writing poems and short stories at an early age, and graduated with a degree in English Literature. Douglas grew up in a family of musicians, astrologers and avid readers. His great grandfather lived to be a 134 years old, and was the oldest man in the world when he died in 1922. 

Some of Elyse Douglas' novels include: "The Other Side of Summer," "The Christmas Bridge," "Wanting Rita," "The Christmas Diary" and "The Summer Diary." They live in New York City.

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