Self Help Spiritual / Personal Growth - Happiness / Meditation
Date Published: February 7, 2017
Publisher: Cygnet Publications, Cygnet Media Group Inc.
The One Cosmic Heart created and endowed you with love in your heart as a yearning that you might awaken and return that love unconditionally, thus coming to feel your oneness with all hearts.
Everyone is on the journey of the heart. As you explore the stages of the heart you will be able to tell where you and your friends are on this sacred journey. Here are the steps you can take to move forward in opening your heart to the fullness of its own natural love.
This is a strong novel about love and hope and really gives you the tools you need to improve your outlook on life and relationships.
I love the authenticity this novel brought to the table. I liked that the author really set out questions and helped answer them with real life situations and real people. I found this novel really enlightening and found myself thinking hard about things I hadn't thought about before reading this.
With some great tips, examples, and superb writing. Alex Soltys Jones really gives hope.
With some great tips, examples, and superb writing. Alex Soltys Jones really gives hope.
Author, musician, spiritual director and meditation instructor, Alex Soltys Jones is most well known for his best-selling book Seven Mansions of Color. Published in 1976, it has become a classic in Color Therapy.
Perfectly timed for 2017, his newest books are Journey of the Heart and Spiritualize the Workplace.
His other titles include: Meditation — Where East and West Meet, How Much Did You Love, Awaken the Christ Within You, Christian Meditation, Conversations with Christ, and Creative Thought Remedies.
Alex was the first to write and produce New Age relaxation music in Canada. His music titles include Kali’s Dream, Awake & Dreaming and Pranava. His guided meditations include Angels of Color & Sound and Peace Beyond Stress. All have become soothing and enlightening aids to meditation, yoga and stress management classes as well as popular relaxation induction aids for listeners at home.
A longtime Stress Management Instructor, Alex worked at the Dorothy Madgett Stress Management Clinic in downtown Toronto where he taught relaxation classes and a 15 week lecture series to groups and individuals.
Many of his clients at the clinic were from the business community. As he worked with these clients they disclosed to him and themselves their own misgivings and vulnerabilities. Alex saw the tremendous stress and anxiety individuals were facing in the workplace: “It was obvious to me that a deep sense of spirituality was needed in the workplace and hence the creation of Spiritualize the Workplace.”
Alex offers meditation classes based on his book Meditation — Where East and West Meet, and lectures and workshops on color, stress management and opening the heart.
Alex, a certified Spiritual Director, graduated from the University of British Columbia’s Pacific Jubilee Program at the Vancouver School of Theology. He is also a graduate of Tyndale University with the degree bachelor of Religious Education.
He has practiced meditation and yoga since his twenties and, in young adulthood, spent a nine month period of seclusion in the Rocky Mountains. At 24, he became a monastic in Paramahansa Yogananda’s Spiritual Organization ( Self-Realization Fellowship), dedicating his life in the search for God. He continues to faithfully practice Paramahansa Yogananda’s life transforming meditation techniques to this day.
“I have been fortunate to have touched the lives of thousands through my books, music and workshops. Many have said my gentle approach makes it easy for them to feel safe and open to their highest potential...My mission is to help others rediscover their diamond essence and from that inner center meet all life’s difficulties with courage, love, peace and joy.”
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