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Thursday, December 27, 2018

Book Tour: Lizzy's Kiss by Karen Tjebben with my #review and a #giveaway @RABTBookTours #psychological #romanticsuspense @KTjebbenAuthor

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Psychological Romantic Suspense
Date Published: November 21, 2018

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Lizzy Adams spent the summer pining for Tyson Smith, the sexy security agent whose instruction at a safety seminar saved her life. Now, every man she meets is measured against the absolute awesomeness of the brawny black man with the soulful eyes, the baritone voice that whispers over her like a velvet caress, and a smile that turns her knees to jelly. Now she just had to get him to notice her.

Tyson Smith had a lot of respect for Lizzy Adams, the spunky teacher who freed herself from the clutches of a deranged miscreant who’d wanted to take her hostage. But his concept of her wholesome ‘girl-next-door’ image was challenged the night she showed up at a company barbeque dressed as a flirty cowgirl. Always the gentleman, he managed to keep his eyes off her assets as she strolled around the farm. His mother had raised him better, but there was no denying that she was every man’s ‘American Beauty’ fantasy. But the night he’d shown up at her doorstep to help her out altered their relationship forever. Between the fear in her eyes and the baseball bat perched on her shoulder, his protective side surfaced, and he handed her a piece of his heart.

Their whirlwind romance is threatened when a man from Lizzy’s past attacks her. Sam Clark wants vengeance for his son. He blames the jurors from Jason’s trial for Jason’s death and crafts a hit list. But killing Lizzy, the scrappy survivor, is harder than he thought. After Sam fails at his first attempt on Lizzy’s life, he resolves to kill her before he’s forced into hiding. He just has to get past the big, black man who appointed himself Lizzy’s protector.

My Thoughts

I absolutely love this cover. It is beautiful! 

Karen Tjebben has brought to life very multi-dimensional characters and given them a purpose. 

The world and action she consumes us with is so vivid and really helps the reader feel like they are there with the characters.

A strong and fast paced plot will keep you invested the entire way through. This was one of those reads that kept me on my toes the entire way through.

The characters, plot, and pacing were all spot on and really helped to elevate the novel. A superb Romantic Suspense novel. 

About the Author

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Karen Tjebben lives in central North Carolina with her wonderful husband, twin daughters, and two hamsters. When her girls left for kindergarten, Karen discovered that she needed to fill her days with something, and that was the beginning of her new career in writing. She loves to create worlds filled with unique characters that she hopes will delight and raise goose bumps on her readers. In her free time, she enjoys traveling with her husband and seeing the world through her daughters' eyes.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Book Tour: Death By Payback by Gary Evans @GaryEvansBooks On Tour With @RABTBookTours #giveaway #bookreview #thriller

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Date Published: November 2018
Publisher: AuthorSource

Free With Kindle Unlimited!

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After confessing to killing fourteen young men in La Crosse, Wisconsin, sultry serial killer Genevieve Wangen escapes custody for the second time. Aided by her Mafia contacts, she settles in at a remote cabin in the Bitterroot Mountains of Montana. Now, safely hidden behind her new identity as Samantha Walters, she happily continues her deadly work for the Carbones. But Detective Al Rouse and Deputy Charlie Berzinski are bent on locking her away for good. When they finally catch up to her, as she is about to wed her latest debonair lover, Genevieve finds that she must escape more than just the law!

Other Books in the Series

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Date Published: July 2017

When Shawn Sorenson drowned in 1987, no one in La Crosse, Wisconsin, took much notice. They thought it was simply another drunken accident. When another student, Tad Schwartz, drowned a year later, the residents began to suspect foul play. Why else would a healthy young man drown? Even so, the police had no leads or clues to suggest anything other than a tragic accident. Were these truly accidental deaths? Suspicion became reality one fateful morning in 2011 when Police Detective Allan Rouse, Sheriff's Deputy Charlie Berzinski, and pathologist Rick Olson pulled the 15th victim from the river. The body had a tale to tell.

Dr. Olson, physician Patricia Grebin, and researcher Sarah Giles discover an obscure piece of evidence. It leads Berzinski and Rouse down a tangled trail of clues before reaching a mind-boggling conclusion. Will Berzinski and Rouse catch the killer before it's too late? Filled with intrigue, betrayal, and gut-twisting suspense, Death by Drowning will draw readers into a Midwestern town full of secrets and clues as breathtaking as the Mississippi River.

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Date Published: Spring 2018

Beautiful assassin Genevieve Wangen continues to work on her deadly concoctions from her secret lab in the woods, far from the prying eyes of the law. But just as soon as she has love and a new life in her sights, Genevieve is pulled into a far more dangerous high-stakes game of cat and mouse. She already upended her life and identity once. How far will she need to go this time to stay alive?

My Thoughts

I think the thing that struck me the most with this novel was the fact that Gary Evans was able to connect me to his characters from the get go. It really added investment in the story and what happened to the characters. 

The plot was very well paced and there were no aspects that I was able to out-rightly predict. 

This novel is jam packed with shocks and twists that will have you immersed in the story Evans has created. 

About the Author

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Gary Evans has turned his passion for novel writing into a post-retirement career, with book four soon to be released, and book five already in the works. Evans spent 30 years in Midwest newsrooms as an award-winning writer, editor, and publisher. He spent 12 years as vice president at Winona State University. He ended his career as the president and CEO of Hiawatha Broadband Communication, one of the nation’s first alternative entrant telecommunications firms, after 15 years. Married to Ellen, they have two grown children, Gregory and Natalie.

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Saturday, December 22, 2018

Release Blitz: Bloodjinn

Title: Bloodjinn (Djinn #3) 
Author: Laura Catherine 
Genre: Paranormal Romance 
Release Date: December 22, 2018 
Cover Designer: Lizzie Zhou 

Heartbreak and looking for escape. Kyra has given up on everything. Alec betrayed her. Will is dead. Her and her father are imprisoned by the Djinn awaiting a sentence from High King Tibal who is even more ruthless than Ivan. When a mysterious woman gives her the choice to start a rebellion for the Guardjinn, Kyra is less than interested in losing more people she cares about. Instead she chooses to escape with her parents to live her old life among the humans.​ Bloodlust and civil war.​ When Kyra realises Will might still be alive she snaps to her senses and heads halfway across the world in search of De Morte, the Blooder City. Along the way, Kyra will truely begin to understand what it means to be a Bloodjinn; part Djinn and part Blooder. There is a darkness within her growing with every drop of blood she tastes, but Kyra needs more powers if she is going to save Will and start a civil war among the Djinn.

When our doors officially opened, there was a flood of customers wanting their morning java to start their day at work. Cafe Roma did make the best coffee in the town.
I’d be flat off my feet until 7:30 a.m. when Rebecca would come in. She was two years older than me and attending college part-time a few towns over.
Rebecca and I had become a team over the last few weeks since I started. I’d make the coffee and she’d serve it while chatting with the customers. She often got in trouble from Rosa for chatting too much, but she was a good waitress.
“I’m so tired,” Rebecca said, plonking her handbag on the counter and tying her nutmeg hair into a ponytail. “I was up all night finishing my assignment.”
I placed the milk under the steamer. “Well, maybe if you’d done the assignment when you got it two weeks ago, it wouldn’t have been a problem,” I replied with a smirk. “You could have gone to that bar you love and flirted with the bartender again.”
Rebecca leaned her head on the bench looking up at me. “Where’s the sympathy, Katie?” she asked and gave me puppy eyes.
We’d had to change our identities when we moved here. The passports Dad had in his emergency stash already had names on it. So I was Katie now and Dad was Benjamin. Mum got to choose her name when we got her IDs done. She chose to be Anna after her mother.
“This is why you should go to uni,” Rebecca continued, pulling down her tight skirt. She was very curvy and liked to show it wearing tight-fitting clothes but nothing very revealing. “You’ve got such a sensible outlook on life. You’re really smart.”
I poured the frothy milk into two caffeinated mugs, placed the mugs on a tray and pushed it towards Rebecca. “I told you I’m not interested in studying. High school was more than enough, Bec. Now, table three would like their lattes.”
Rebecca pouted and slid off the bench with a dramatic sigh and went out the back to get ready. Our mornings went quickly with the normal rush of customers and by eleven thirty it was break time for me. I pulled my apron over my head and stashed it under the counter. “I’m off for lunch,” I called to Rebecca, who was deep in conversation with a woman who looked like she just wanted her coffee that Rebecca was still holding hostage until her story was finished.
“Have fun,” Bec replied, turning to face me long enough for the woman to snatch her coffee off the tray.
“Take some food,” Rosa said, pulling out some savoury pasties from the cabinet. “You’re too skinny.”
“I won’t be if you keep feeding me pasties.”
“Boys like curvy girls,” Rosa replied.
“She’s not wrong,” Rebecca called, slapping her hip.
I playfully rolled my eyes and took the food. “Thank you, Rosa.”


  Laura Catherine was born in Melbourne, Australia and spent most of her childhood creating fantasy worlds and talking to her invisible pet cheetah who ran along powerlines.
Her imagination has carried her through childhood where her mother read stories about fantasy worlds at bedtime. Never one to face reality, Laura spent a lot of time turning boxes into ships and castles.
Laura self-published her first novel, Djinn (2013), a Paranormal Romance, and the second in the series, Blooders (2015). Laura is currently working on the next instalment in the Djinn series, Bloodjinn, as well as a few other novels including the first in a new YA series, The Guardians of Ivalice.

Both Books are on SALE for 99¢

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Blitz & Giveaway: Retrieve by @saddisonfox read an #excerpt and enter the #giveaway

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YA action adventure
Date Published: 26 December 2018
Publisher: Double Edged Sword Publishing

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What if the job you took to stay alive might be what kills you?

Kade knows what it is to suffer. He knows what it's like to lose everything and everyone around him.

His job in a Stormer Unit guarantees not just his survival in the decimated country of Azetaria, but his sister Meg's. Even if it means facing the Numachi warriors baying for his blood, he'll do what it takes to keep her safe.

Hadley is alone and surviving the only way she knows how. By hiding where predators won't find her and scavenging enough just to keep her alive.

When desperation drives Hadley to search for her missing brother, she mistakenly accepts the offer of recruitment into the Stormer's camp, only to be partnered with Kade and sent as a scout into Numachi territory.

The intimidating young Stormer may just know where her brother has gone. But can they stay alive long enough to find him?


Kade’s footsteps were heavy as he approached and stared down at her. “This isn’t going to work. You need to be wearing something lighter, or we’ll never make it to Lazen.”

Hadley tried for a weak shrug but could barely muster the energy. “What do you suggest?”

Kade raised an eyebrow, and a deep frown appeared on his face as he considered her.  He continued to stare at her as she sat, legs sprawled out on the ground. “The best I can come up with is cutting your clothing.”

His eyes narrowed as he searched the length of her. A bolt of alarm jostled her into thinking. “How much are you cutting off?”

Kade dipped his chin, his voice low as he spoke. “Enough, so you don’t keep fainting, enough, so you still pass for a boy.”

He reached for a knife and wore the slightest of smiles as he unsheathed it. “Let’s hope you have hairy legs then eh?”

Hadley’s lips split into a smile before she remembered she was annoyed with him for being so smug.

About the Author

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Sarah Addison-Fox is a New Zealand-born misfit who writes action-packed fantasy with a smattering of punch-ups, mega amounts of romance and a dash of family values. She has an astonishing amount of nail polish, has all her creative writing credentials shoved in a drawer somewhere, and has a husband who, after 28 years, can still make her blush. When she’s not working on her multiple YA fantasy romance series' she can be found binge watching Mission Impossible movies, drinking lager and eating curry.

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Book Tour: Metal Mouth by @theWRITEengle #review #giveaway #youngadult @RABTBookTours

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YA Magical Realism
Date Published: 12/1/2018
Publisher: JME Books

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Mahlorie hates her braces. And who cares what she looks like anyway? Her parents sure do. Dad, a traveling magician, and Mom, a famous erotica author, constantly harp on the importance of appearance. Her best friend Shai is the epitome of pop-culture, crushing on every boy with a cute smile. But when Mal has a near-death experience and can suddenly hear a boy’s voice in her head, life takes a turn for the weird. He can hear her too. How did her braces become transmitters? And who is this boy she just might be falling in love with? For fans of “The Fault in Our Stars” and “Everything, Everything.”

This magical coming-of-age tale of mystery and self-discovery, and love and friendship makes the impossible become all too real...

Book Review

What a vivid new world Jaimie Engle has brought us into!

Be prepared to become addicted to this story from the very beginning. Engle has created characters who are engaging and unique. The story itself has so many aspects you would not expect. Yes, its a Young Adult story, but there is so much more woven throughout. 

The with and humor, drama, and surprises are plenty and will keep you flipping pages til the very end. 

About the Author

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JAIMIE ENGLE is the author of dark thrillers for teens where magic turns ordinary into extraordinary. She weaves history, magic, and lore into her books, which take readers on wondrous adventures, though her passion is talking to kids about writing and social issues because words have power. She loves coffee, cosplay, and making Wick Books® candles inspired by scents from her novels and for other indie authors so readers can Experience the Story! She lives in Florida with her awesome husband, hilarious children, and the world's best dog. Learn more at, where Jaimie is always working on her next book.

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