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Friday, October 11, 2024

Horror Feature: Beautiful Darkness 2, a Dragon Soul Press Anthology #excerpt #horror #comingsoon #rabtbooktours @ReadersRoost @RABTBookTours


Horror, various subgenres

Publication Date: October 30, 2024

Publisher: Dragon Soul Press



Ghosts, demons, and more monsters.

In a world where so many dark things go bump in the night, terror awaits around every corner as these authors take horror stories to the next level. Discover ghosts, demons, and your worst nightmares. Read at your own risk.

Featuring twenty-nine stories by Joshua Williams, Stephen A. Roddewig, Joseph Hirsch, Max Blood, Paul Lonardo, Matt Spencer, S.J. Walker, Kelly Barker, Gregory Scott Matics, Gaetan Battaglia, Fred Phillips, Cassandra Jones, Barend Nieuwstraten III, Sean E. Britten, Larry Hodges, Donalee Moulton, Arlo Z. Graves, C.L. Hart, Robb T. White, Kelly Piner, Benjamin Curt Unsworth, Trixie Nisbet, Jennifer Papillo, Justin Jones, Diana Parrilla, Jared Thomason, J.M. Bengtsson, Caleb James K., and J.E. Feldman.


Full Cold Moon


Story Genre: Shifters, werewolf


Wolf shifter Roza Van Rompaye awakens in a basement filled with Christmas decorations with a silver manacle around her ankle. Her captor spiked her drink with silver nitrate, and now he wants her to be his mate and to turn him. Roza isn’t about to do either. She warns her captor that he will die if she is still a prisoner when the full cold moon rises.





No matter how I struggled, I couldn’t get free of the chains I was bound in.

“You’d better hope they hold when the full moon comes out, you silly shit,” I snarled.

The cadaverous young man with the watery green eyes, blemished face, and greasy disconnected fuchsia pompadour presented me with a rectangular box wrapped in metallic celadon paper.

“I don't want presents from you,” I snapped, turning away. “If you think holding a woman captive on Christmas Eve is seduction, I guarantee you'll die a virgin. Gavril Kuroki, president of GrassHopper Green Construction and renowned seducer of both men and women, would be horrified to learn his son was holding his favorite architectural consultant prisoner in a dungeon that looks like Santa's elves got hammered and puked all over the walls while he tries to win her affections with cheesy lingerie. What the hell is wrong with you, Yair?”

“Roza, please, just look,” Yair insisted. He eagerly unwrapped the box, revealing a silky puce nightgown. “I’m not trying to turn you into a sexual object, and I’d never force myself on you. I know you’re not like those easy women who ride the cock carousel any chance they get. This negligee is elegant and ladylike, like you.”

“I’ll never be the fawning captive princess of your pathetic fantasies.”

“My love, it pains me to keep you prisoner, but until you accept me as your alpha, I must.”

“Being chained to a concrete wall in a windowless basement stuffed with Christmas decorations like a holiday goose full of apples and bread pains me. This plot to make me fall in love with you by forcing a full-blown English Christmas on me is insane. We’re in Cresval, South Dakota, for Krampus’ sake, not jolly old London town. I’m the thirty-five-year-old spawn of a Dutch-American agnostic farmer, not the demure daughter of flipping Bob Cratchit.”

About the Author

C. L. Hart is an editor who writes or a writer who edits. She primarily writes Lovecraftian fantasy and horror with the occasional sweet romance thrown in to upset the cosmic apple cart. This is her second year participating in the annual For the Love of Winter anthology from First Coast Romance Writers. She is a member of ACES Editing Society, The Denver Horror Collective, First Coast Romance Writers, The H. P. Lovecraft Historical Society, Passionate Ink (writing as Lil DeVille), Regency Romance Writers, and Rocky Mountain Romance Writers.


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