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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Blog Tour: A Deadly Deed Grows by @klongauthor #review #giveaway

Romantic Suspense
Date Published: March 2015

Mira Stanley has come to Cape San Blas, Florida for one reason: to save Claire Peterson, her boss' aunt, from being swindled and losing her home. She realizes it will be a challenge to defeat Bradley Lane, the unscrupulous land developer, even with her accomplished skills as a lawyer. However, another element adds itself to the equation when Mira meets the attractive Sean Thorndale. The chemistry between them leaves Mira confused and frightened.
Sean Thorndale has always been confident and driven with one personal agenda, and it promises to be dangerous. Even if he must deceive others by following Bradley Lane’s orders, he’ll do it to get the justice someone close to him deserves. At least that’s how he feels until he meets Mira Stanley. As their attraction to each other builds, Sean will decide if the dangerous journey to achieve what both he and Mira want is worth the risk.

Purchase Links
Amazon: Kindle Edition 
Barnes & Noble: Nook Press


Dive into a a Romantic Suspense with Kathryn Long. She has created a novel that really makes the reader think and feel. This novel shows how much a writer can understand her genre and make sure every in and out is relevant to her end game.

I loved the balance of Romance and Drama in this novel. There is a lot going on and  the characters have a lot they have to get through while trying to understand their budding relationship and fight for it. It is a solid Romantic Suspense.

About the Author

Kathryn Long’s passion is writing mysteries, creating the intricate details and weaving them together into the clues which the reader will enjoy collecting to solve the crime. However, she’s worn many hats over the years – bookseller, teacher, mom, wife, and author. Many of her works include Native American elements and hints of the paranormal. She loves a scary ghost story!
Her writing inspiration began with reading about Nancy Drew and the heroines of romantic suspense authors such as Victoria Holt and Mary Stewart. Her first creations were short stories meant to entertain anyone who’d listen or read. Playing the guitar led to song lyrics, which she insists taught her the rhythm and pace of writing prose.
Writing took a serious turn several years ago when she had her first book published. To date readers can find her self-pubbed cozy Lilly M Mysteries, and her traditionally published work: paranormal mystery, Dying to Dream, and latest, a romantic suspense, A Deadly Deed Growsat online retailers and in bookstores.
Always striving for better and greater achievements, Kathryn has recently signed with literary agency, Golden Wheat Literary and agent Jessica Schmeidler who is working diligently to sell Long’s latest mystery, Grave Maker Blues.
When writing and the creative muse take a break, this author loves to travel, watch Castle, and of course, read mysteries. Oh, and there’s always an author event or two she will attend in order to – you got it – talk about mystery. Kathryn lives in a small burg located in northeast Ohio with her husband and little pooch, Max.

Contact Information


  1. Thank you for hosting and writing a review for my book!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
